SW Missouri Walking Field Trial Club

This year's trial was very well attended. With a draw of 60 dogs for 7 classes we had a busy weekend. The weather was perfect for dogs and handlers.
For one of the earlier trials of the year we had plenty of really good bird work in all classes. These dogs and handlers showed great team work.
We had 3 new handlers come to this trial. The support of veterans keep the NBHA going strong but these new people will be our future. The NBHA is growing, spreading into new states. This will help us all giving us more places to share our love of these bird dogs. These are also great places for friends and family.
I would like to thank my help for this year. Kristi Ogle, Ivy Crook, Jerone Boggs. Our judges Justin Crook, kenny Snow, Kevin Western, Craig Hiatt, Jim Corpening, Bud Moore. Thank you Mr and Mrs. Moore for the UTV. Our awesome sponsors Purina, Gundog Supply, Gundog Central, On X, Garmin.