Missouri State Classic results

NBHA Missouri State Classic, winners from left, Rod Lein with 1st place Over the Hill Merry, Kenny Snow with 2nd place Snow’s Rhiannon, and David Cates with 3rd place Roy,
Standing is Bud Moore, Randy Zimmer, Judge Dan Draffen, Joe Zimmer, Ken Sauer, Kevin Western, Judge Tim Penn, John Holt, Andrew Ernie, and Zach Ernie.
The North Missouri Field Trial Association with the help of the Missouri Bird Hunters Association held the Bob Catlett Open Shooting Dog Classic on November 30th concluding on December 2nd . This event was held in conjunction with the NBHA National Amateur Invitational Championship. The event this year was held at the Sportsman’s Field Trial grounds near Grovespring, MO. The grounds were in excellent condition as always with milo strips, an abundance of birds, and many objectives to make for a very
competitive trial.
As stated earlier, this year’s event was hosted by the North Missouri Field Trial Association with the help of the Missouri Bird Hunters. Helping out was Tim Penn, Joe Zimmer, Randy Zimmer, Jack Glover, and Kevin Western. This is a hard-working bunch of guys that are willing to help out wherever is needed.
This year’s judging duties were handled by Dan Draffen of Buncton, MO and Tim Penn of Edina, MO.
These two are seasoned veterans to the field trial game and rode attentively and evaluated the field of top contenders. Their decisions were well received.
The Missouri State Classic Bob Catlett Open Shooting Dog, winner was Over The Hill Merry, PF, for Ron Lein. Merry ran in the 5th brace, she accumulated 4 finds, had stopped to flush. Merry started her hour with a find at 4, she backed her brace mate at 11, 20 and at 24. Merry went on to have finds at 29, and 32 all in order. She had stop to flush at 35 and an unproductive at 54. Merry’s final find came at 56. She was very staunch in her bird work throughout all of her bird work, she had a good forward range, hunted hard and was pleasing to watch, earning her first place.
Second place dog was Snow’s Rhiannon, PF, Kenny Snow handler. Rhiannon ran in the 6th brace, she had one fine at 27, all in order. She finished the hour as she started always to the front working the cover as a shooting dog should.
Third place came in the eighth brace River City Hitman, SM, handled by Zach Ernie “Roy” had a single find at 29 with excellent manners. Roy was very strong in the first half of his hour, but he started to show some stress towards the end of his hour, it appeared that he had injured himself and had swelling in his front leg but he still muscled out a good finish and was rewarded with third place.
Open Derby had both of John Holt’s young derbies taking the first and second. Bridgers Insane Bolt, PM
was the first-place derby and Bridgers Open For Business, PM was the second-place winner. Both of
these derby’s are showing a promising future.
Rounding out the Amateur stakes was Ken Sauer winning the Amateur Shooting Dog with KC’s Tye
Oneon, PM. Tye finished the hour with two finds and a good forward race.
Amateur Shooting Dog (jc@f) was won by Penrosa Behrdevil, PM owned and handled by Tim Penn
The National Bird Hunters Association is blessed to have such generous sponsors. Purina Pro Plan,
Garmin, Gun Dog Supply, On X Hunt, and Mule Brand Gear are valued and much appreciated sponsors.
Their participation and sponsorship of the NBHA is much appreciated.
The winners:
1st Over the Hill Merry, PF; owned and handled by Rob Lein
2nd Snow’s Rhiannon, PF; owned and handled by Kenny Snow
3rd River City Hitman, SM; Owned by David Cates and handled by Zach Erne
1st KC’S Tye Oneon, PM; owned and handled by Ken Saur
1st Penrosa Behrdevil, PM; owned and handled by Tim Penn
1st Bridgers Insane Bolt, PM; owned and handled by John Holt
2nd Bridgers Open for Business, PM; owned and handled by John Holt
Again, we would like to thank all our sponsors, the judges, helpers, and all our participants. It is the
work and participation of all that helps make up a great event. The participation and dedication by the
good folks that come to these trials make the future look great for the National Bird Hunters.